BEP defence: Timon Badier
Timon Badier has successfully completed his bachelor end-project: “Simplicial neural networks in a physical application.” Congratulations, Timon!
Timon Badier has successfully completed his bachelor end-project: “Simplicial neural networks in a physical application.” Congratulations, Timon!
Nice surprise to see my name come up in the Applied Mathematics teaching awards ceremony!
Just finished teaching a short course on “Structure-preserving methods: Finite element exterior calculus and Isogeometric Extensions in isogeometric extensions” with Espen Sande. The course was organized for the PhD students at University of Rome Tor Vergata and upon invitation by Carla Manni and Hendrik Speleers. The topic itself is very interesting (a framework for building and analyzing stable and accurate spline-based finite element methods for a wide variety of PDEs) and I had fun teaching it, would definitely like to repeat it sometime in the future!
Ayush, Cees, Fredrik, Laurens and Mohamed have successfully completed their CSE minor project: “A novel implementation of splines in 3D.” Congratulations!
Lockdown hasn’t gone away and so we have new ways to teach, virtual coffee breaks with colleagues, and remote conferences and seminars. To get to know our Numerical Analysis Seminar guests a bit better, we have started an informal interview series called In Conversation With. In the run-up to each seminar, Marieke Kootte sits down with our guests for a personal conversation on their backgrounds, the inevitable ups and downs in life and academia, and lessons/advice for students and young researchers. Check out the interviews from the first semester here!
PS: Love what Xavier Claeys said here - “There is another important aspect of this job that is at least as difficult as answering questions: asking questions.”