BEP defence: Jort Bouma
Jort Bouma successfully defended his bacehlor project: “Using a physics-informed neural network to solve the ideal magnetohdrodynamics equations.” Congratulations, Jort!
Jort Bouma successfully defended his bacehlor project: “Using a physics-informed neural network to solve the ideal magnetohdrodynamics equations.” Congratulations, Jort!
Traianos Karageorgiou successfully defended his master’s thesis: “High-fidelity simulations of Taylor bubbles in turbulent co-current flow.” Congratulations, Traianos!
Elham Wasei successfully defended his bachelor project: “Investigating physics-informed neural networks for solving PDEs.” Congratulations, Elham!
… is by doing it wrong and then looking at what you did.” - Neil Gaiman
Earlier this year I got introduced to Observable, a D3-based platform for making interactive data visualizations. A few weeks ago I started making an interative spline editor there and I have to say that it has been an enjoyable learning experience.
I ended up filling up the notebook so that it can also serve as a gentle, gentle introduction to interactive design using smooth splines. If you have the time, check it out here. You can also play around with one of the interactive graphics here (the graphic may take a few seconds to load):
All in all, happy with what the platform can do; time permitting, future posts will dive deeper into splines or their applications!